
Natural Solutions For Getting Better Sleep

Are you getting enough high-quality sleep?

One of the best ways to protect ourselves from illness is by having a healthy relationship with our sleep cycle. When you get enough sleep in a night, a myriad of health benefits come your way.

These health benefits can include but are not limited to getting sick less often, lowering your risk for serious health problems like diabetes and heart disease, reducing stress, and improving your mood. High-quality sleep has also been shown to help boost your immune system, prevent weight gain, and improve your memory.

May is a great month to get better sleep and below are some products that might benefit you during the night and help keep your sleep cycle and routine a productive one.

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Our Favorite Options To Help You Consistently Get Better Sleep

The first sleep product I’d like to talk about for the month of May is Calm Sleep Gummies by Natural Vitality. This product not only tastes great but provides an even, balanced sleep by replenishing the magnesium levels in your body. Stress depletes the amount of magnesium we naturally have in our bodies so it’s important to have a supplement on hand to replace that magnesium. These gummies also contain melatonin and L-Theanine and are gluten-free and carry a mild flavor. I also love these gummies because they work for adults and children over the age of 13. 

Next up we have Dr. Formulated CBD + Sleep Tincture from Garden of Life. This tincture has been known to work wonders. I really enjoy this tincture because it is formulated with CBD, Vitamin D3, Lemon Balm, and Chamomile which help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling full of energy and ready to take on your day. This product carries a broad spectrum of CBD but does not contain any THC and is safe to use with adults and older children.  If you prefer softgels it also comes in a 30ct bottle.

For any diabetics or people watching their sugar intake, Nordic Naturals Zero Sugar Melatonin Gummies are going to be a great choice! I like these gummies because they have a low dose of melatonin at 1.5mg, which is great for children or people who know that a little melatonin can go a long way. Due to these gummies being sweetened with xylitol, your children won’t get any sort of sugar rush as there is no spike of blood sugar. They also taste very similar to fresh raspberries! 

The Hemp & Herbs line from Gaia Herbs is a great line of products. For sleeping, we recommend the “Hemp and Herbs Calm for Better Sleep”  vegan liquid phyto-caps supplement which offers 20mg of full spectrum hemp and an array of other herbs like Hops, Oats, Vervain, and California Poppy to support a healthy sleep cycle.  

If you’re looking for another great CBD product to help with sleep, look no further than Charlotte’s Web CBD Sleep Gummies! These gummies are formulated with full spectrum hemp and melatonin which help to ease you into a deep, peaceful sleep. I really like these gummies because they are plant based, gluten free, and there are no additives or dyes, which make them natural and delicious. The natural fruit juices used to flavor these gummies are a hit with anyone I recommend them to!

The last product I’d like to mention is Oregon’s Wild Harvest “Stress Guard”. This product is aimed at protecting your body from the daily stressors that we endure. When you experience stress, it depletes your body’s natural resources that help keep you calm, which in turn help you to fall asleep, and stay asleep. Stress affects the adrenal glands, which cause adrenal fatigue. This can also cause digestion to slow down and cause more disruption in your sleep. This vegan supplement is full of natural herbs such as Holy Basil, Licorice, Ashwagandha, and Skullcap as well as a complex of B Vitamins. It is also free from any gluten or soy allergens.

One of the best ways to care for our bodies is by protecting them in the smallest of ways.

When you take the extra time in your day to ensure a great night of sleep, you are saving yourself from many avoidable issues. Do your best to reduce daily stress and get yourself seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Spend as much time outdoors as possible, avoid caffeine late in the day, avoid smoking, and don’t eat large meals before bed.       

p.s. Just in case you are looking for a specific food, supplement, or any other wellness need, reach out to us here at 916-253-9276 and we would be happy to help you find exactly what you are looking for.

We are deeply committed to sharing our knowledge of health and therefore have carefully chosen the products we offer in our store. You’ll find only the highest quality brands and a large selection to choose from so you’re sure to find exactly what you need. 

If you can’t make it into the store, we’re always happy to deliver it to you because your health and happiness are our #1 priority! 

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