
How to Sleep Better, Guaranteed

Having a healthy sleep routine is one of the best things you can do for yourself and a crucial piece of your health and wellness routine.

Restful sleep not only benefits your brain and body’s functions, but with high quality sleep you are able to retain more information, increase your learning capabilities, and be more creative. Your body is better able to digest food, produce and maintain higher energy levels, and function better overall.

So how can you get those high-quality Z’s without massively changing your routine or going on vacation? One great way is to start by getting more foods into your diet that are rich in tryptophan and melatonin such as: cashews, kiwi, salmon, milk, turkey, oats, cheese, nuts, seeds, and cherries. You can also supplement a healthy diet and/or exercise with all natural solutions from our store.

Fun Fact: People who make their beds are more likely to sleep better at night! 


9 Ways To Get Better Sleep Naturally

  • Monitor Screen Time before Bed
    Something as simple as avoiding your phone, TV, or computer 1-2 hours before bed will drastically change your sleep. It is so common to end the day with TV or playing games on your phone but try to avoid it if you can! The blue light emitted from your screen wreaks havoc on your circadian rhythm. This also suppresses your melatonin production making it more difficult to sleep over time.  
  • Go to Bed and Wake Up Consistently
    If you are always going to sleep around the same time and waking up around the same time your body will know what to expect. Set your body’s internal clock to a schedule that suits you and your daily routine. This includes not sleeping in on the weekends even though it is tempting to do so. It is better to take a short, daytime nap than to sleep in hours later in the morning to not disrupt your cycle. Consistency is key when it comes to having a great sleep routine! 
  • Leave the Day at Your Door
    Try to resolve your worries or concerns before bedtime. Jot down what’s on your mind and then set it aside for tomorrow. Stress management might help. Start with the basics, such as getting organized, setting priorities, and delegating tasks. Meditation also can ease anxiety. Do whatever you need to leave the day behind you and get your body ready to sleep and restore itself.
  • Get Plenty of Daylight
    Drink your morning coffee on your porch if you can or eat breakfast in front of a big window. Take walking breaks throughout your day and let as much natural light into your home/workspace as possible. This helps your body to be more in tune with its natural rhythm. Doing this allows your body to be awake and present during the day and start to shut down during the evening. No matter what you do for work, try and make time spent in the sun a priority! 
  • Eat a Lighter Meal at Dinner
    If dinner time rolls around and you are eating a high number of calories, your body is going to have to work harder to digest your food. This causes the body to not fall asleep as easily or sleep as deeply. Try and make breakfast your largest meal of the day, dinner should be the smallest/lightest. This is also good for your metabolism!
  • Create your Perfect “Zen” Environment
    Make your room ideal for sleeping in. This may sound simple, but this makes one of the biggest differences. Cool, dark, and quiet is an unbeatable mix for a good night’s rest. Consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan, or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs. Doing calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, could also promote better sleep.
  • Pick Your Exercise Window Intentionally
    Working out early in the morning might cause you to lose out on crucial sleeping hours but working out too close to bedtime may keep you awake late into the evening. The ideal time to get a workout in is mid-morning/late afternoon. However, this isn’t always possible given everyone’s different work schedules so make it work for you!
  • Drink Up
    “Warm milk has long been believed to be associated with chemicals that simulate the effects of tryptophan on the brain. This is a chemical building block for the substance serotonin, which is involved in the sleep-wake transition,” Dr. Charlene Gamaldo of John Hopkins Center of Sleep says. At the same time, make sure to avoid alcohol several hours before bed and try to never go to sleep intoxicated as this will severely damage your sleep for the night.  
  • Keep Cool
    “The ideal temperature for your thermostat is between 65 and 72 degrees,” Gamaldo says. No one number is the perfect fit for everyone, but it is beneficial for most to drop their thermostats a few degrees overnight to induce deeper sleep.  Women who are going through menopause and experiencing hot flashes should keep the room as cool as possible and wear cotton or breathable fabrics to bed.

We spend roughly 229,961 hours or about a third of our lives sleeping, so we should do everything we can to make that time in bed count and make it as restful and restorative as possible.

p.s. Just in case you are looking for a specific food, supplement, or any other wellness need, reach out to us here at 916-253-9276 and we would be happy to help you find exactly what you are looking for.

We are deeply committed to sharing our knowledge of health and therefore have carefully chosen the products we offer in our store. You’ll find only the highest quality brands and a large selection to choose from so you’re sure to find exactly what you need. 

If you can’t make it into the store, we’re always happy to deliver it to you because your health and happiness are our #1 priority! 

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