
Here’s How To Actually Accomplish Your 2021 New Year’s Resolutions

How To Implement Resolutions and Routines That You Can Actually Stick To

It is that time of year again. Gym memberships or Home Gyms will be re-established, diets will be started or re-evaluated, and new resolutions will be made for home and work life. I can’t be the only one who has sat down, made a list of things that they would like to accomplish, and then maybe only achieved one or two of the items and then thrown the rest into next year’s list. Right?

Too often we end up getting in our own way when it comes to self-improvement. A lot of the time, sticking to new goals and habits is the need to overcome a combination of mental and physical obstacles. To make your resolution stick you will need to be motivated, capable of achieving set goal, and have the support and resources in your life to make it happen.

If you’ve been wanting to know how to make resolutions and routines that will actually work for you, keep reading!

Work Life Balance

6 Simple Solutions for Staying On Track!

One of the biggest things about sticking to your resolutions is to only pick a few. When we add 20+ items to a list, we become overwhelmed and it’s a lot easier to lose track of our actual goals. “Setting small, attainable goals throughout the year, instead of a singular, overwhelming goal on January 1 can help you reach whatever it is you strive for,” says psychologist Lynn Bufka, PhD. Start small and realistic, something like exercising for a minimum of three days a week. It should be obtainable so that it can prepare you for achieving your larger goals.

Don’t punish yourself. There is nothing wrong with self-discipline but don’t let it escalate to the point of becoming abusive to self. We all make mistakes, and they are called goals for a reason. If it were easy, we wouldn’t have to work for it. Do your best to go into this new year understanding that having goals is a wonderful thing, but you won’t always accomplish everything you want on the first try. It takes repetition and time to change behaviors and create new habits, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Take every day one step at a time.

If one of your goals is something like quitting a nicotine habit, or anything else that can be difficult, don’t be afraid to reach out to others. You can join a support group or find a family member/friend that is also trying to make a similar change in their life. When you feel supported and have others to talk to, making life changes happens a lot easier. You have people to reach out to when things get tough, this is so important when it comes to following through and achieving your goals.  

Pick a Role Model. This can be someone of any age, just someone that you truly respect. Think of someone that you admire, whether in your personal life or someone of celebrity status. If you find another person taking the steps or making the changes that you want to make, follow their lead. Pick someone who you deeply respect and adopt some of their habits. You’d be surprised how much easier it is to make those changes when you see someone else’s real-life results. I know this has worked for me and it’s something that I recommend to everyone!

Implement the use of S.M.A.R.T goals when thinking of your resolutions. S.M.A.R.T goals are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-focused, and Time-Bound. This way you can see when progress is made and how to adjust for the most successful outcome. When you apply the S.M.A.R.T formula to your goals, they become much easier to obtain. Don’t set yourself up for failure! 

Something that isn’t considered a lot is how your resolutions may be thwarted by competing desires. Let’s say a goal of yours is to lose weight, you’ll have to compete with your eating habits and physical exercise habits to obtain your goal. Being aware of possible challenges is a great way to keep yourself on track with any goal. You won’t be able to avoid all potential triggers but at least try and navigate them. 

At the end of the day, you are capable of most anything you put your mind to. Set reasonable goals for yourself and track your progress. Break down large goals into smaller bite size achievable pieces. 2021 can be a wonderful New Year full of New things – Always remember to find Joy in the Journey!   

p.s. Just in case you are looking for a specific supplement solution, or any other wellness need, reach out to us here at 916-253-9276 and we would be happy to help you find exactly what you are looking for.

We are deeply committed to sharing our knowledge of health and therefore have carefully chosen the products we offer in our store. You’ll find only the highest quality brands and a large selection to choose from so you’re sure to find exactly what you need. 

If you can’t make it into the store, we’re always happy to deliver it to you because your health and happiness are our #1 priority! 

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